
Weekend Inspiration : Ideas to Make Your Own Cocktails!

Are you someone who doesn’t like too much hard alcohol but rather it mixed with fruity or lemony mixes? In short, are you someone who likes cocktails? Well why go to a bar? Here are some of the more easy to make cocktails for you to try at home.

[highlight highlightColor=”highlight-salmon” ]Bloody Mary[/highlight]

There are a few people who love this cocktail as it has a very tangy and non sweet taste. The classic bloody mary is a simple combination of tomato juice and vodka. When you are creating it at home be sure to use some over ripe and some moderately ripe tomatoes (deseeded). For every 30ml of vodka, add 50 ml tomato juice, a little water and maybe some mint (if you feel like). You can also add pepper, lime, Tabasco sauce or Worcestershire sauce to add some spicy zingy flavor. The glass in which you drink needs to be laced with salt on the rim, creating the perfect taste.

[highlight highlightColor=”highlight-salmon” ]Mojito[/highlight]

Another lemony cocktail is the classic mojito (pronounced mohito). It is created with white rum mixed with a concoction of lemon juice, club soda crushed mint leaves and lots of ice. The bitter minty taste combines perfectly with the lime and balances the flavor of the white rum. In a glass crush the ice with a few leaves of mint and 4 teaspoons of lemon juice. Pour 30 ml of white rum and the same amount of club soda into it. And there you have it, the perfect chiller for a relaxed evening.

[highlight highlightColor=”highlight-salmon” ]Long island ice tea[/highlight]

I need to begin this one with a cautionary note. It is not difficult to make this drink, but yes, not too easy to drink. So reserve it for a day when you are ready for it. Mix one shot each of gin, white rum, vodka, tequila and triple sec or cointreau along with crushed ice, coke and lime juice. You can add or reduce the number of types of alcohol in it, but do remember to add only white (transparent) drinks and not dark ones. Now sit back and relax.

[highlight highlightColor=”highlight-salmon” ]Sangria[/highlight]

For the wine lovers, sangria is the classic fruity cocktail and very simple to make. The basic ingredients to be added while making sangria are red or white wine, cut fruits of your choice (like limes, oranges, berries, melons, etc), ginger, mint, ginger ale or soda, brandy and triple sec. But these ingredients may vary depending on how you would like to make it. So go ahead, go crazy and get spirited!

[highlight highlightColor=”highlight-salmon” ]Cuba Libre[/highlight]

All the dark rum fans out there, please listen up. If you love your old monk and coke too much, and don’t want to try anything else, let me tell you that a little lime squeezed on the top adds a great flavor to the drink. That’s what a cube libre is about. 30 ml dark rum, a little less than that of water, 40-50 ml coke, and lemon juice squeezed into it.

What do you think?

Written by N D'cruz

The madness comes with the writing, in the writing' according to this author.

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