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7 Inspiring Podcasts Every Mom Should Listen to on Spotify

We’ve shortlisted seven podcasts that can help you get into the world of podcasts and give you inspiration and motivation.

Podcasts Every Mom Should Listen to on Spotify
Photo by Siddharth Bhogra on Unsplash

Have you discovered the medium of Podcasts yet? Have you been hearing about it on the internet and want to try it? Do you want to gain knowledge but have no time for books because of your children? Then this article will provide a solution to the majority of those issues.

Podcasts are an effective way to gain knowledge using the audio medium. You can comfortably play it on your phones or speakers and continue working on your chores. This does not add an extra burden of learning and you enjoy while doing your routine work. There are thousands of podcasts available on various platforms. Spotify is a well-known app for free music and also gives access to multiple free podcasts.

Being a mother is a full-time job and many times women face the difficulty of taking out time for their hobbies or things they love and want to do. Podcasts are a great way to try and get into the habit of learning and enjoying by stealing a little bit for yourself while doing it for your children. If you are a new parent and are confused about parenting, there might be a perfect podcast out there waiting for you to explore, carrying the perfect advice for you.

There is a podcast for everyone, whether you want to learn how to be a better parent, keep up with the newest health news, or simply be entertained. Not sure where to start? We’ve shortlisted seven podcasts that can help you get into the world of podcasts and give you inspiration and motivation. Let’s check the podcasts that every mom should listen to:

1. Strollercoaster, A Parenting Podcast

Strollercoaster, A Parenting Podcast

Munchkin’s Strollercoaster is a clever, entertaining, and must-listen parenting podcast. Each edition of the podcast, hosted by Emmy-winning contributor Faith Salie, contains inspirational tales, interesting guests, creative parenting ideas, and plenty of “I’ve been there” moments. In addition to this, Munchkin has also produced the StrollerCoaster STORYTIME! podcast, a short-form podcast with a modern spin on your kids’ favorite children’s stories, which is suitable for both children and adults. This can be a great podcast to start with, lightweight and fun.

2. The JelliePod

The JelliePod

Ellie Thompson and her husband Jamie create The JelliePod, a new fertility podcast. Since 2017, Jamie and Ellie nicknamed “Jellie” have been vlogging and writing about their own TTC/IVF experience, and this year, they’ve chosen to launch a platform with the sole aim of interviewing other guests about their infertility and fertility treatment adventures. Experts will provide guidance, and the couple will take to the stage to chronicle their third and final frozen cycle, which will take place this summer. This touches on sensitive issues of infertility in a good way and makes their listener aware of the process and interviews other guests as well. If you are interested in learning about different conceiving options or are just looking for something interesting yet knowledgeable then this might be it. Don’t miss a minute of the action!

3. The Motherkind Podcast

The Motherkind Podcast

Zoe Blaskey, the host of Motherkind, is on a quest to help you discover inner peace amid the chaos of modern motherhood. Zoe chats with some of the world’s top wellness instructors. Each episode introduces a new teacher and topic, covering everything from how to soothe a child to how to deal with anxiety to how to have a better day. This can prove useful for busy moms who struggle to have peace of mind even once throughout the day.

4. The Double Shift

The Double Shift podcast

Every tale in The Double Shift is about examining how things are for working moms in the real world and striving to change them to how they should be. Katherine Goldstein, the show’s host, is an award-winning journalist, and each program is expertly produced and reported. Goldstein brings exactly the perfect amount of personal experience to the program, while also admitting that the solutions to the issues she poses about sex, work, politics, and relationships will be different for everyone. This tells documentary-style stories of different moms from different parts of the world and different ethnicities making the content interesting and not monotonous.

5. The Michelle Obama Podcast

The Michelle Obama Podcast

Michelle Obama needs no introduction and she is an inspirational woman to listen to. In the less-than-an-hour-long episodes of her current initiative, hear the former First Lady of the United States—also a style icon—talk about her young mentees, working women, parenting children, and developing new understandings of ourselves during a pandemic. She dives into her friends’ and family members’ tales, sparking a debate about anything from relationships to women’s health.

6. The Vision-Nari Podcast

The Vision-Nari Podcast

The list is incomplete without mentioning an Indian Woman Podcaster. Swati Rawat hosts the Vision-Nari podcast, in which she interviews female leaders, entrepreneurs, and visionaries from various sectors to learn about their lives, inspirations, and goals. Swati got the idea while she was looking for a podcast that featured tales about Indian women and couldn’t find one. This podcast is motivational, relatable, and will help you understand yourself better. Not limiting yourself as a mom to just parenting podcasts, this podcast will help you break the cage of monotony and help you think out of the box.

7. Motherhood Sessions

Motherhood Sessions podcast

Dr. Alexandra Sacks, a reproductive psychiatrist, lets us listen in on her talks with moms as they share their most personal problems. Sacks listen to all of the stories and answers with compassion and understanding. These are the discussions we’re scared to have with even our closest friends, the truths we never dare to speak aloud, and the anxieties we bury deep, but when these women are allowed to tell their experiences, something amazing occurs. The podcast makes you realize that even if your difficulties appear to be different on the surface, there is so much strength and power to take with you and use to whatever secrets and anxieties you’re harboring. This can prove useful for women who are struggling with parenting or motherhood but can’t say to anybody because of the stigmas attached to holy motherhood by society. This will bring peace and will give strength to keep going.

All the Podcasts can be found on Spotify, Apple podcasts, amazon music, iTunes, and their websites.

What do you think?

Written by Marya

Loves reading, critiquing and writing. Philosophical and poetic with a charm of sarcasm adds to my approach. Dance, cinema and music make to my list of hobbies. Explore and express are the key elements of my life.

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