Designer Poonam Bhagat mesmerized the fashion aficionados at Amazon India Fashion Week Autumn/Winter ’15 with her splendid ensembles. The essence of her collection is shaped by Picasso’s iconic imagery of constellations depicting “guitars and mandolins and crotchen-dotted staves of musical scores”. From fine lines to appliques, these ‘stellar’ ensembles charm with its simple sensuality.
Talking about her collection, Designer Poonam Bhagat said, “We have translated Picasso’s line drawings, in our own inimitable fashion, on edgy silhouettes”. Created in linen and matka silk, the palatte of the ensembles has been restrained to cobalt, ivory and black. These hues are reminiscent of the night sky, while a pop of orange twist mimicks the setting sun.
Established in 1991, TAIKA by Poonam Bhagat covers the entire gamut of women’s prêt-a porter from western to fusion to Indian silhouette. Having showcased collections that have paid homage to iconic artists like Van Gogh and Joan Miro, Poonam Bhagat now turns her attention to Picasso and his masterful yet effortless line drawings. Poonam Bhagat has also experimented with Abstract Expressionistic Art that took wing in 1942, putting New York on the global art map for the first time.
Taika sells across the country from various designer stores pan India and has also spread its wings across United States, Europe, UK and Japan.