Easily one of the easiest hairstyles around, a ponytail is not only one of the chicest hairstyles around, it is also the most useful one. Many of us love our long hair, but sometimes, it’s just too difficult to tame. And that is when the ponytail, like a knight in shining armour, comes to our rescue.
A ponytail can be done in various ways. The first and the foremost is the simplest one. No effort, no time, just a band quickly pulled around the hair. It’s casual, easy and consumes absolutely no time.
If you want to head out but don’t have the time, all you really have to do is put a little more effort into carefully placing the hair on the top. Once that is done, you’re good to go. Take a look at Jacqueline below, she hasn’t straightened or curled her hair, nor has she done anything OTT. All she’s really done is put in a little more effort into settling the hair on top.
For a sharper and sexier look, it’s always the sleek ponytail that does the trick. Straighten your hair first and then put them into a clean ponytail, with no strands coming out of place. If you do however have a chubby or round face, there are chances that such a ponytail will not really suit your face.
The side ponytail is another great variation to the regular ponytail and what makes it even better is the literal no extra effort required! While going for a side ponytail, it’s always advisable to keep the hair straightened and tamed. A toussled hair side pony is just bringing back a fashion trend from the 80s we truly never hope to see again.
Another things you must be careful of is the way you wear your top hair here. If you are pairing it up with a western outfit, make sure your hair is neatly set in place and not falling over your hair loosely. Such a style is mostly suited to Indian outfits only.
Take for example Sonakshi below. While the hair do look good, imagine how much better it would have looked had the hair been neatly set into place?
And finally, for those of you who have a round face and dread going in for a ponytail, the top poof is the best way to deal with this. And what really works in your favour here is the fact that the poof can be worked with both, tamed hair ponytail, as Priyanka shows us below, or tousled hair ponytail, as Deepika shows us below.