Halloween is a day dedicated to remembering the dead, martyrs and saints. It is mostly celebrated in the United States but a lot of the “Halloween influence” has been seen in India too. People are actually very keen on celebrating and dressing up as their favorite influencers or favorite villains. Lets discuss about the different Halloween dressing ideas for your Halloween Eve 2013.
Of course you need to decide first if you want to be a bad ass or the angel or just be that one neutral character that you have always dreamed of being. People take actual care and pain to keep their best foot forward. So, why not you? Make it a point to dress up this Halloween day or night with the ideas being discussed and let us know when you do
Me the angel
Haven’t you always loved being the super hero at work or home. There might at least be one time in your life when your friends or foes might have told you that “Do you think you’re a super woman?” this is the best day to show them that you are.
Your options are plenty Super woman, Lara croft, Black widow, white queen etc. don’t just limit yourself to this discover something new that no one has ever seen or done.
Be the satan
Are you bored of being the super awesome helpful person all the time? It’s great to experiment with the bad ass villains you have always liked. Be it their costume, make up or their act of being the bad and crazy. Try the awesome Joker, the sexy Cat woman, or the queen from snow white. Don’t just dress like them act like them too. This is one time of the year when no one points a finger at you.
Vampire-ish: Vampires are always in vogue at any given Halloween bash. Prepare to find your brothers and sisters at Halloween eve and make your own version of the twilight saga.
Go the Johnny Depp way
One of the most critically acclaimed Hollywood actors with a great bunch of Halloween worthy characters in his kitty. Edward scissor hands, Jack Sparrow, Sweeny Todd, Mad Hatter and the list still goes on. Get yourself a wig and some good hair spray you’ll need it.
Princess you can be
If you’re not much of an experimenting bird you can just simply be a pretty princess with cute pink flowy dress and crystal shoes. This is not at all a difficult look all you have to do is choose any one of the Disney princesses and you are good to go.
Find your perfect match or just experiment to get your foolproof dressing plan this year. Invent, re-discover a new look that will people talking about it till the next Halloween.