Boney Kapoor and late Sridevi’s love story was an epic one. Last year, after the sudden demise of Sridevi, Boney Kapoor and his two daughters Janhvi and Khusi were devastated. In a recent interview, Boney Kapoor got choked up while talking about his late wife Sridevi.
In the interview with Komal Nahta, Boney candidly discussed his life and work. Amidst the conversation, he talked about how the support from his wife had been instrumental in his life as well as work and that’s when Boney Kapoor got all choked up. He was further asked if there was a moment he didn’t miss Sridevi, to which Boney said ‘namumkin hai.’
Here is the interview-
Boney Kapoor earlier spoke at an event to mark Sridevi’s 55th birth anniversary.
He said
“She couldn’t complete her schooling, she couldn’t complete her college because she was so involved in her work, she deserves the recognition, respect and the tributes which are being paid to her all across the globe.”
He further added,
“Today this vacuum, this void cannot be replaced but the good wishes and the goodwill that she has left behind is something that we can live with… She is with me, in my memories…with my children. I feel the loss of her every second of my life, not just me even my children do. This is something that we have to live with. Unfortunately, she was snatched away from us sooner than anybody expected.”