Today Aamir Khan celebrated his 54th birthday. On the occasion of his birthday, the actor announced that his next film which will be an official adaptation of Tom Hanks starrer Forrest Gump. At the media meet at his house, Aamir further announced that the film would be titled Laal Singh Chaddha which would also be the name of the character he would be playing in the movie.
It is to be noted that Aamir had been trying to get the rights to Forrest Gump for past 8 years and now that he has finally received it, he decided to go ahead with it. The film is written by actor Atul Kulkarni, with whom Aamir shared the idea during the “Rang De Basanti” shoot.
As per Aamir,
“During the shoot, he had shared that the Forest Gump is one of his favourite movies. Atul approached me with adaptation script later on but I did not take him seriously. I read the script after 2 and a half years and loved it. After that, I went behind taking the right of the movie. “
Aamir went on the mention that he would be giving himself a prep time of 6 months before actually jumping into the shooting of the film. The shooting would commence in October this year.
As per the actor, he would shed some weight to fit into the shoes of his character. Also, his last project “Thugs of Hindostan” didn’t pan out well on the box office and hence, this time the actor want to put in ever more efforts.
While we are at it, here is the trailer of Forest Gump