Quitting a job is natural when you get a better offer. Considering several factors, you have ultimately decided that you are leaving your current job.Some people get confused about this matter or get too carried away at the prospect of getting a better job. Instead of planning about your new job life, plan how to leave the present one so that possibility of facing problems in future is reduced.
Here are 5 things that things that you need to keep in mind before you quit your present job.
Get a new job
Quitting a job cannot be a sudden decision. There are several factors that lead to this decision. The salary might not be adequate according to your performance. There has been no raise in salary for the past couple of years and the ordeal of dealing with a notorious boss and several other problems. So, rather than quitting your present job like an impulsive kid it is wise to get the confirmation letter of another job and then plan the quit.
Have enough savings
Keep it in mind that you will be getting your salary from your new job at the end of the first month. For that you need to have enough savings so that you can bear all your expenses for that entire month.
Finish your incomplete work
You leave a mark on your work. Don’t be careless about your present job. It might affect your appraisal. A good appraisal from your present office will help you in your new job. Moreover, you should remain committed to your present job and give your best till the last day.
Make some vital collections
When you have finally decided to leave the present you need to collect certain things that might prove helpful. The most important thing of all is to collect your performance appraisal. Also gather copies of emails in which your boss has been supportive towards you. Get the phone numbers and emails of colleagues you would like to keep in touch with.
Your desk reflects you
Before you leave make sure that your desk in clean. Label the important files and throw away thing that were of value only to you. Keep the necessary things in place like pins, stapler, papers, pens etc. If possible make a list of the things and the places where the new employee can find them. It is not a pleasure to clean someone else’s mess.
Whenever you leave a place see that you have been practical enough to get the important things done. The most important thing is to leave behind a good memory with your present colleagues despite the fact that they have not always been good with you.