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Writer’s Block: 5 Tips for All Writers Out There!

Writing is a kind of therapy and helps us get on with our day by initiating that flow to our lives as water does to the plants.

Writers Block Help
Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

Writer’s block is something all my fellow writers out there must be quite aware of and some might even be going through this difficult phase trying to get something worthy on paper. For a writer like you or me, writing is a kind of therapy and helps us get on with our day by initiating that flow to our lives as water does to the plants.

What is Writer’s Block

For those who are not aware, writer’s block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author is unable to produce new work or experiences a creative slowdown.

Writer’s Block Help

While writing is something writers enjoy so much, these past few months I have been suffering from writer’s block, and it surely became a bit difficult for me as I found myself stuck with no advice or guidance. After trying out a lot, I am finally starting to get something on paper and over time gathered a few tips to pass on to my writer community. Let’s have a look at five of our tips to help overcome writer’s block.

Also Read: Things I learnt From My Journaling Journey

1. Create your own writing space

How you see yourself when you write is extremely important as this might help you to create a space for yourself where you can sit and make words come alive. Writing is a serious profession that needs utmost attention to detail and researching. It is important to maintain your peace of mind when you sit down to write and also recognise where you find yourself to be the most productive.

Every writer has a way of doing this. For example, some might enjoy writing in solitude with a view, some are most productive in a coffee shop, or a well-lit place, etc. All writers need their personal creative space and not having one might be pushing you into that writer’s block phase further. It’s best to recognise your way and try it out to see how this works for you.

2. Find inspiration around you

Sometimes what you’re supposed to write does not appeal to you and maybe that is why you might be letting it sit for a while and delaying in preparing a draft. For situations like these, it’s best to take inspiration from things going around you. When you have an important experience you can pass it on to others and as you have been through it, it gives you a little clarity than writing based on someone else’s experience.

In my case: Whenever I felt stuck I took inspiration from my own experiences, put it on paper and the feedback on my article was amazing. When you find the courage to put your personal experiences on paper, people love it more as many may find it relatable knowing that someone out there is fighting the same battle.

Also Read: Female Authors: Here’s How You Can Succeed With Your Book!

3. Create a writing schedule

Plan your articles, topics, and timings properly to avoid getting stuck. Writing is a very creative job, but whenever we write only when we feel ‘creative’, we are bound to get stuck.

In my case: I have started to believe that there is something I can get on paper every day irrespective of whether that’s on my schedule or not.

Our minds can sometimes work on unplanned topics more efficiently than planned ones. Creativity although time-bound, can also be surprising. Having a schedule makes sure you sit down to write and maintain the flow of your writing.

4. Have new experiences

Whenever we have new experiences, our perspective takes a shift and we get a new point of view to work on and see things from a different lens. New experiences open our minds to new opportunities and thoughts that we may have never explored before. Every experience takes us one step closer to a groundbreaking article that would give you the ultimate credit you need as a writer. It’s important to keep trying different things so that you have a diversity of topics to work on so that you’re able to create a healthy balance between impactful and fun articles.

5. The most effective tip; loosen your body

This tip tops all the others. When you have tried everything from the above list and nothing seems to be working for you, try to follow this. Move or loosen your body so that your mind flows. Dancing, meditation, slow movements, yoga, etc, all can help you loosen your body and mind.

When we do these movements, we are trying to wake our body and bring it back to our present state of mind. These practices open our mind and body bringing it back to a relaxed state of mind in which we are able to create art!

Experienced and recovered writer’s block or have other tips to share? Let’s discuss!

What do you think?

Written by Urvashi

With a degree in media science, I spend most of my time writing, trying to explore the content world with a wish to make it big someday!

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