The premiere episode of Karan Johar’s chat show Koffee With Karan was graced by Deepika Padukone and Alia Bhatt. Although the show is over, the makers recently treated their fans with unseen footages from various episodes of the show. In one of the sequences, Alia Bhatt and Deepika Padukone touched base upon marriage.
Talking about marriage Alia said,
“Honestly, there was a time in my life when I was like I am not going to get married till I am 30. I need to act. But when you feel like you are in a space where you are comfortable and it feels peaceful and right, then there is no timing that really matters.”
Alia and Deepika also busted the myth that marriage marks the end of an actress’s career. Although Alia admitted that earlier she used to be calculative about marriages. Both of them adgrrd though, that the time has changed and now the content is the king and marriage has ceased to matter in a person’s career.
Alia said,
“I have never calculated my career or my choices. Anyways, it is now proven that it is not actors who drive the film but it is the content. So, whether I am married or single or in a relationship, it does not matter,”
Deepika who married Ranveer Singh last year, also added,
“There are a bunch of us today who are clear about what we want for ourselves. I think we are very driven about our careers the similar way we are driven about wanting a stable personal life, a relationship or a marriage. I think all of us are equally capable of managing both or more with an equal amount of passion, dedication, commitment and success.”
Deepika concluded by saying that the myth around marriage exists only in India.
“That happens only in our country. In the West, they get married and divorced multiple times, they have children but that doesn’t affect their careers.”