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Understanding Cellulite And How To Reduce It Harmlessly

Cellulite develops when underlying fat deposits begin to push through layers of collagen fibres, or connective tissue, under the skin.

Photo by alan caishan on Unsplash

Cellulite occurs when connective tissue bands pull the skin overlying certain areas of fat down to the deeper tissues. This results in an uneven surface. Cellulite develops when underlying fat deposits begin to push through layers of collagen fibres, or connective tissue, under the skin (most commonly in the buttocks and thighs, but also on the arms, stomachs, and other common trouble spots, as we all know).

Even women who are otherwise slender and fit are affected by the cosmetic condition at some point in their lives. Some women are more susceptible to it than others. Cellulite is completely natural, so there is nothing wrong with people having it, loving it, or even desiring to get rid of it. It’s all about your body and your comfort.

Age as a Factor

Your genes, body fat percentage, and age can all influence how much cellulite you have and how noticeable it is. The appearance of cellulite is also affected by the thickness of your skin. Cellulite can affect people of all body types and weights.

Women’s fat distribution is more visible than men’s. The collagen fibres that connect the skin to the muscle divide the underlying fat into multiple pockets. Women’s bodies produce less oestrogen as they age, a hormone that aids in the smooth flow of blood vessels. Less oestrogen may result in poorer circulation, as well as a decrease in new collagen production and the breakdown of older collagen. As you age, your skin thins and loses elasticity, making cellulite more visible.

Exercise Helps?

A regular exercise routine cannot cure cellulite, but it can help prevent or reduce its appearance in many cases. Cellulite occurs when the connective fibres beneath the skin become weak or lose their elasticity; however, stretching and strengthening those areas (along with burning away excess fat overall) can help to reduce cellulite.

Photo by John Arano on Unsplash

Topical Medication

Topical treatments may help to reduce the appearance of cellulite, but the effects may be temporary. To keep the results, you must use the product on a daily basis. Creams are shown to tighten the skin, giving it a smoother, tighter appearance. They also add moisture, which can help to hide cellulite. Use caffeine creams or retinoid-containing products such as Clarins Body Fit Anti-Cellulite Contouring Expert which is compact, dries quickly, smells wonderful, and contains key ingredients such as caffeine, menthol, cydonia oblonga leaf extract, and corylus avellana seed oil.


Although your diet cannot predict whether or not you will develop cellulite, eating a well-balanced, plant-heavy diet can help reduce inflammation throughout your body and help you maintain a healthy weight. Consume more cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, and bell peppers, which (like many other fruits and vegetables) contain more than 90% water.


Body brushing and massaging

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Body brushing and massaging on a daily basis can help to stimulate lymphatic drainage, which aids in the elimination of toxins that can accumulate in the fat layer, leading to inflammation and, inevitably, more noticeable cellulite.


Cryolipolysis, also known as CoolSculpting, is a noninvasive cellulite removal procedure that involves freezing the fat cells beneath the skin. The fat cells rupture and their contents are absorbed by the body as a result. To dissolve an inch of fat, multiple treatments are required. Cellulite reduction may take three to four months.


Cellfina is a non-invasive procedure. A needle is used during the procedure to break up the tough bands underneath the skin in order to remove cellulite from the thighs and buttocks. The effects can be seen in as little as three days and last for up to three years.

Spa treatment

Endermologie is a spa treatment in which you receive a deep massage while your skin is lifted with a vacuum-like tool. You’ll need several sessions to see results, which could take up to a year. There may be some bruising.

For several years, laser, radio-frequency, and massage techniques have been used to reduce the appearance of cellulite—and while the results aren’t permanent, they are effective in the short term.

Consult with a dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon to determine which procedures are best for you. Make sure to inquire about any potential side effects, complications, recovery time, expected outcomes, and cost. Prices can be quite high and vary depending on where you live, the type of treatment you receive, and the size of the area being treated. You should also inquire about the procedure’s length and the number of procedures that will be performed.

Keep in mind that cellulite is normal. It’s completely normal, even unavoidable. There’s no need to hide it by hanging your clothes awkwardly in a gym bathroom stall or carrying the entire bedsheet with you from the bed to the bathroom. But if it’s causing you so much distress, there’s no harm in trying to get rid of it. In any case, you are stunning.

What do you think?

Written by Kavya

Pursuing food technology and trying to make it big. Kavya loves reading, learning and believes that life can be anything but predictable.

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