The market is full of uncountable skincare products from various brands and it can be confusing for people to pick a few and start with their personalized skincare routine. Once you are familiar with a few products, shifting to a new one can seem dicey and confusing, but it is necessary if your skin starts alarming you in different ways. Thinking how to know it’s time to switch? Look out for these four alarming signs.
1. Dry and Patchy Face
Patchy or dry skin is a sign of dehydrated skin and is an indication that the products you are using have wrong ingredients that are not suitable for your skin. You must check the ingredients before purchasing and avoid those having fragrances, alcohol, preservatives, retinoids as they make your skin dry.
2. Breaking out More than Usual
Our skin deals with breakouts from time to time but it is highly stressful to deal with it after carefully following a personalized skincare routine. It can frustrate one and confuse as well making them wonder why after a proper routine they aren’t able to get desirable results. When breakouts happen more than usual, it’s a sign that your skin needs a new routine as the current one is not working out for you.
3. Extra Redness
If you start noticing redness then it’s a sign that your skin needs more attention than usual. Take a closer look at your day-to-day activities and your skincare routine. This can be a result of washing the face with hot water or using acne medications. Redness is a clear sign that you need to switch your skincare routine and try something new.
4. Difficult to Get Rid of Oil
Exfoliating and cleansing in excess can be the reason behind your skin producing oil in large amounts. Too much can make your skin lose its natural oil being the reason behind this problem. Even if you have oily skin, you must add an oil-free moisturizer to your skincare routine and get rid of rough cleansers and exfoliators.