Generally, very few people are aware of the stock market. Those who know a little, only understand which stocks are going up and which stocks are going down.
Retail participation in Indian stock markets is rising. There is a surge in individual investors entering the stock market. With this rising trend of trading in stocks through digital modes that is through mobile phones, India’s market regulator SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) has launched the Saa₹thi app.
The SEBI Mobile app aims to create and improve awareness about the concepts of the securities market. The app (Saa₹thi) tends to create awareness about the basic concepts of securities market, KYC (Know Your Customer) process, mutual funds (MFs), trading and settlement, investor grievances redressal mechanism, market trends, and developments, etc.
While launching the SEBI app the chairman of capital market regulator Shri Ajay Tyagi said,” This Mobile App is yet another initiative of SEBI with a view to empowering investors with knowledge about the securities market. With the recent surge in individual investors entering the market, and more importantly a large proportion of trading being mobile phone-based, this App will be helpful in easily accessing the relevant information. I am sure that in coming times this app will be popular among the investors especially the young ones.”
Through this app, investors can not only get information about the stock market trends through mobile but will also give every small and big fundamental information of the stock market. SEBI through this app tries to increase awareness among common people about investing or investing in shares.
The App is available in both Hindi and English and can be downloaded from Playstore and App Store for Android and ios versions respectively.
Chairman Shri Ajay Tyagi has also stressed the need to continuously update the app content and make the app available in regional languages.
The app was launched on January 19, 2022, at a function held in Mumbai where Shri S.K. Mohanty, Whole Time Member, Executive Directors and other officials of SEBI attended the function.
The Saa₹thi app is yet an important and welcoming service among capital market investors. Through this app, now people will be able to take all the information related to capital market subjects themselves instead of taking help even for basics from a chartered accountant or experienced investors in the stock market.