PCOS or Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a hormonal disorder and one of the most common conditions that affect women of reproductive age. The information we hear or get about this condition across all available channels is somewhat ambiguous and not being able to understand what you’re dealing with may delay further treatment and diagnosis. It is best to consult a doctor right away rather than looking up the internet for signs to know your body and patterns better. This PCOS awareness month, let’s debunk some common myths we get to hear and educate one another.
Myth 1
All women suffering from PCOS are overweight.
Women of all shapes and sizes can suffer from this disorder and it’s best to visit your doctor if you relate to any of the symptoms or even doubt for a second.
Myth 2
PCOS causes infertility in women.
Another big and most common misconception that we get to hear often. PCOS does not cause infertility. Women with this disorder may have difficulty conceiving, but this does not mean they have zero chances. This delay can be related to the hormonal imbalance due to this condition that affects ovulation. Visit your doctor to figure out a plan who will guide you the best to either get pregnant naturally or with the help of various treatments available.
Myth 3
The irregular menstrual cycle can be concluded as PCOS.
If your menstrual cycle is irregular or delayed there can be a lot of reasons to relate to it than just simply concluding that you’re suffering from PCOS. It’s best to get yourself checked by a doctor and not self diagnose via internet sources before coming to this conclusion
Myth 4
Unwanted facial hair and acne can be directly linked to a symptom of PCOS.
While unwanted acne and facial hair are one of the many symptoms of PCOS, it cannot always be linked to it alone. It’s best not to confuse yourself by noticing the first signs of either of the two or even both. Talk to your doctor and let them educate you on all the “what” and “ifs”.
Myth 5
If you have PCOS you don’t need contraception.
Women with PCOS may have difficulty in conceiving but that does not mean their chances of getting pregnant is zero. You can end up with an unnecessary pregnancy if you don’t take precautions. It is always wiser to do the needful, and before you believe in any such theory take advice from the best; your doctor.