Hey! foodie hearts, we all enjoy eating! The magic ingredients that turn many recipes into wonders are Herbs and Spices. Without spices, there is no enjoyment of food. From salt to cinnamon, we use herbs and spices to create culinary wonders.
National Herbs & Spices Day
Celebrated in the US every year on 10 June, National Herbs and Spices Day recognizes the diversity and quality offered by using both fresh and dried herbs and spices in our cooking. This day is dedicated to celebrating flavour in our dishes as we feel the importance of herbs and spices in the kitchen, as well as for medicinal purposes.
Spices and India:
India is the Land of Spices and the glory of Indian spices is known throughout the world. The spices make our food complete and so appetizing. These spices are also great immunity boosters. Spices and herbs are plant-derived materials that enhance the aroma and flavour of any dish. Differentiating between the two is difficult. We earn spices from the plant parts like roots, rhizomes, stems, leaves, bark, flowers, fruits, and seeds. Non-woody plants are thought of as Herbs.
Spices Board of India:
As India is the land of spices, it shouldn’t be surprising to know that there is a Board for Species, constituted on 26 February 1987, functioning under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry. This autonomous body is responsible for the export promotion of the 52 scheduled spices and the development of Cardamom (Small & Large).
Spices Under the Purview of the Spices Board:

Spices Dyed Garments:
A traditional practice of preparing ayurveda is garments using natural dyes prepared from Spices & Herbs. In olden days, cotton fabrics were dyed with plant extracts to be used as eco-friendly and natural commodity. Spices dyed garments are organic, completely free of synthetic chemicals and biodegradable. It is believed that the skin absorbs the medicinal properties of the herbs and this helps treat a range of ailments.
Relish the Flavours of Herbs and Spices:
Enjoying flavour every year, National Herbs and Spices Day comprehend the variety and integrity of fresh and dried herbs and spices by utilizing them in our cooking. Throughout the year, herbs and spices are crucial for cooking. They just not only mouth waters with incredible flavours to one’s feasts, but herbs and spices also add hues, earning a liveliness that we miss without them. These spices and Herbs look after our health and benefits us. When fresh, herbs and spices also add a natural scent to the air that one can smell and admire.