
Is Taj Mahal Losing It’s Glory?

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A ballad in stone that once satisfied a head’s dream of adoration, brilliance, and superbness is battling a furious fight for survival in the period of innovation. At whatever point a vacationer enters the premises of Taj Mahal, the person is hypnotized by the sheer excellence and immortality of the world-acclaimed landmark. Be that as it may, the individuals who have lived in Agra for ages have seen what has truly happened to Taj Mahal. The once immaculate marble exterior has yellowed and even darkened at spots. That Agra is the eighth most contaminated city on the planet hasn’t made a difference. With air quality in the city declining every day, all the sediment and particulate issue settle on the Taj Mahal. Hydel plants, mining, residential and modern waste, deforestation, groundwater fatigue, floodplain infringement, the Yamuna is a naturally dead stream at Agra. The Taj’s establishments are covered far beneath the riverbed. With the rising green growth and waste, the number of inhabitants in midges in the Yamuna has detonated. Their green excrement can be washed off, yet the caution has been sounded on the serious ecological corruption.

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Vehicular outflows and general contamination aside, the Taj is covered day by day due to the vapor issuing from the crematorium only nearby it. The crematorium, called Moksha Dham, is so near Taj Mahal that it imparts a divider to the landmark complex. Bodies are scorched, foul smell holds on and the particles from issuing smoke and exhaust settle rather inauspiciously on Taj Mahal. The Taj is reeling under footfalls. Delicate regions like the primary sepulcher, the stage at the focal point of the burn bagh, the one stretching out from the fundamental passage towards the tomb, are on the whole under serious weight. Mass human nearness makes unfortunate stickiness. Sweat, oil, soil from contact gets retained into the marble.  The crematorium is on the banks of stream Yamuna, which itself has changed to an insignificant deplete as the rottenness of the city is discharged in its waters. The Taj was based on the riverbank with a thought that its ageless wonder will think about in the waters a full moon night. A glance at the dirty waters today, and the differentiation can’t be starker.

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History specialists are dismayed at the disregard Taj Mahal faces from the administration. Student of history Rana Safvi worried about more noteworthy and thorough endeavors to Save the Taj. She said that activities like Adopt a Monument won’t be sufficient as it might prompt token upgrades like building toilets and so on. The heavenly Taj needs assistance. It is said that when Mughal sovereign Shah Jahan was held in bondage, he could see the Taj Mahal from the window of his cell. If it somehow happened to happen today, he may not have the capacity to see the landmark covered in smoke, covered in contamination.

What do you think?

Written by TEAM WSL

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