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How to Improve Your Communication Skills?

Here are some ways to work on this sine qua non of the modern world.

It’s no longer a secret that Communication skills are de rigueur for future job prospects. In the backdrop of this digital boom, it is one of the most essential skills in the eyes of job recruiters. Although communication skills can be a bit tricky if you are someone who struggles to master this art, worry not! Here are some ways to work on this sine qua non of the modern world.

1. Focus on Listening

There is a difference between mere speaking and communication. The latter requires the participation of another key-element in the mixture- listening. If you find yourself in trouble to properly communicate your thoughts, take a breather and listen to the person in front of you. It does not matter, If you are a speaker standing on stage, speaking for hundreds of people. Learn to hear the sound of silence, try to grasp if your audience is holding on to whatever you are saying or just putting on a facade trying to get over with the talk. It will help you to comprehend your next sentence properly and clearly so that it hits its target.

2. Read Books

Read Books
Read Books

Your thoughts define you. Reading is a healthy habit, and it not only enhances your thought process but also helps to add value to your vocabulary. If you are someone who struggles with English or any language, in particular, try to read as many books as possible in that language. It will give you an added advantage to communicate in that language in an improved way. You will be surprised to see how many words get added to your vocabulary unconsciously.

3. Ask for Feedback

Never do the crime of being ashamed to ask for help. This single habit can be your worst mistake that can lead to a vast valley between you and your dreams. Find lessons in your errors and build your skill, piece-by-piece. Frequently ask for feedback from people around you and focus on correcting your mistakes. Find ways to strike up a conversation with skilled individuals. Sometimes, a good conversation can be an excellent teacher.

4. Throw Yourself in the Spotlight

A room full of people and a thousand sets of eyes on you may sound like a scene straight out of a horror movie. But, can you ever learn to fly a plane without actually flying a plane? You will never learn to communicate well if you don’t try to challenge yourself. Go and try to speak to a stranger, volunteer to give the next presentation, or try giving a small speech at any social event. All these things will result in small but significant doses-of-confidence that will only enhance the bigger picture.

What do you think?

Written by Prerna

A purple soul with a love for all things creative especially acting. I believe that current affairs, comedy and drama are interesting. I will forever be an inquisitive person striving for new knowledge. I like to write to express my views because words are powerful.

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