

How To Control High Blood Sugar During Fasting And Post Fasting Through Diet

Blood sugar levels between meals can provide insight into how the body handles sugar. High fasting blood sugar levels indicate that the body has been unable to lower blood sugar levels.

Woman on Diet Food Results
Photo by Farhad Ibrahimzade on Unsplash

Your liver is the primary driver of your blood sugar levels while your body is fasting. The liver releases sugar all night to provide energy to the brain and nervous system. In the early hours of the morning, a series of hormones that increase energy and alertness release extra sugar into the bloodstream to prepare you for the day ahead. The dawn phenomenon refers to this rise in hormone levels. However, people with insulin resistance or insufficient insulin (or both) may struggle to deal with this sugar surge, resulting in high morning blood sugar levels.

Blood sugar levels between meals can provide insight into how the body handles sugar. High fasting blood sugar levels indicate that the body has been unable to lower blood sugar levels. This indicates either insulin resistance or insufficient insulin production, or both in some cases. Diabetes medications may be lowering blood sugar too much when it is very low.

Following a meal, food raises blood glucose and signals the intestines to release GLP-1, which primes the insulin and amylin spigots. These hormones assist cells in utilising glucose from food to fuel the body. Simultaneously, reduce your consumption of refined carbohydrates, sweets, and animal products. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, evidence shows that eating whole grains lowers your risk of diabetes, whereas eating refined carbohydrates raises your risk.

Blood sugar balance

To maintain blood sugar balance, eat the same amount of food with the same amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates every day at the same time. To maintain more stable blood sugar levels, eat low-glycemic foods. The glycemic index assesses how quickly a food will raise your blood sugar levels. Good fats, such as nuts, seeds, and liquid vegetable oils, can also help prevent diabetes. Instead of processed meat and sugary drinks, opt for poultry, fish, water, tea, or coffee.

Fatty foods

Choose fish, skinless poultry, beans, and vegetables sautéed in olive oil over high-saturated-fat foods such as fried foods and those topped with cheese. Stuffing 50 per cent your plate with veggies can also help reduce portion sizes of other foods, as well as your calorie consumption from those foods.


According to a recent study conducted by Lund University in Sweden, eating a specific mixture of dietary fibres encountered in barley can help reduce hunger and blood sugar levels. According to the research groups, barley can also improve people’s health quickly by lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Pumpkin and its seeds are used as a traditional diabetes remedy in countries such as Iran and Mexico. Pumpkin and its seeds are high in fibre and antioxidants, making them excellent for blood sugar regulation. Pumpkin powders and extracts can effectively lower blood sugar levels in both animals and humans, according to a study published in the journal Molecules.

Certain types of food in the diabetes care plan, such as, help lower fasting sugar levels.

Yogurt with low fat
• A piece of fruit
• Soy beans
• A handful of frozen grapes

When a regular meal schedule is followed, blood sugar levels are better regulated. Six small meals per day, rather than three large ones, help to control portion size and blood sugar levels.

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Written by Kavya

Pursuing food technology and trying to make it big. Kavya loves reading, learning and believes that life can be anything but predictable.

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