Rihanna is one of those people who have accomplished almost everything at a young age. Rihanna has just turned 31 today and she is already a A-lister in Hollywood. Here are the 10 things you might not know about her-
1. Her Honesty
When it comes to celebrities or even others, people try to show how ideal their lives are and how they uphold their values and morals like no other. But Rihanna, being Rihanna, doesn’t believe in living a lie and putting on an ‘ideal front’. She, for one, knows how to be real, and doesn’t shy away from showing her imperfections to the world.
In her own word, she says,
“I think I came to a point where I started lying to myself. And it’s so hard to live a lie. It’s just too hard. It’s too difficult. It’s too much to think about. That’s why I’m posting pictures of myself smoking pot, to tell the truth about myself. I’ve got so much to think about, why bring all this extra s–t by being dishonest? When somebody lies to you, you don’t trust them. Try lying to yourself, that’s even worse. You can’t paint a fake picture for too long before the truth comes out and then it’s hard that it doesn’t match up,”