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Genophobia: Know About the Phobia That Women Are Facing Mostly

This phobia can trigger both insecurities and body impressions as well as medical suspicion.

Photo by DAVIDCOHEN on Unsplash

All around the world, people are facing a common issue that is known as fear, and when this fear heightens over the limit it is called phobia. Every one of us is familiar with the term ‘Phobia’ and now in this Digital life, we all can easily get to know the names of the phobia we are carrying with us. Likewise, there is a Phobia that is widespread among females and this article is all about it.

Genophobia: The Fear of Sexual Intercourse

In this universe, the only process to retain the existing species for a lifetime is reproduction. And it can not be possible without having sexual copulation. The phobia named ‘Genophobia’ is the fear of having sexual intercourse. Like any other phobias, exposure to severe trauma like sexual assault is the main reason.

Another justification behind this particular phobia can be cultural upbringing that intensifies the shame and a matter of remorse for having sex. It has been observed that women are more prone to phobia than men. So as a matter of fact, women are Genophobic more than men.

Genophobia is also termed Coitophobia. Rape and molestation is the basic purpose for the birth of this phobia.

This phobia can trigger both insecurities and body impressions as well as medical suspicions. But sometimes, this fear can also occur unassisted without any of the identifiable factors.

Ravishment is the crucial source of fear, depression, anxiety, and violation of the victim’s mental and physical health. The victim gradually enters into a psychological outcome that heeds a loosely orchestrated three-stage route. The first page is acute trauma then secondly reorganization and finally resolution. In the reorganization phase, phobia often occurs. As the trauma is intensely confidential that it might take a long time to get solely settled.

Cultural or spiritual denominations that grimace about copulation, and if you are a follower of those preachings, that doesn’t demonstrate phobia, instead, phobia develops when an individual goes through a transition and the increased rate of self-doubt and grief, formulates the chance of having a phobia.

Fear of performance and diseases such as HIV are also a factor. Other than these, some people are afraid about the fact that coitus is painful and it might cause severe injury. Sometimes phobia also takes place when parents avoid talking about sex and make it complicated as well as a matter of fear and shame for their child. That’s what makes an individual reluctant to have sexual intercourse by removing the mask of shame. This can be seen mostly in female entities. They are too afraid of having pain and think having sex is a matter of disgrace.

Genophobia can be cured by sex therapists who are usually mental health experts but also are well trained and certified in sexual matters. If you or your friend is facing such issues surely consult a doctor that will prove beneficial.

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Written by TEAM WSL

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