Have been lately working on laptop or watching television late in your bedroom? Having sleepless nights or disturbed sleep? It is time to check your bedroom settings.
Have you faced a situation or scenario where both of you are sitting together at dinner table or on your bed and fiddling with your phones or laptop? It is improtant to have a personal life which is separate and keeping tab with your work, but it is also important to respect the person right in front of you by giving a moment. Researchers and pysichiatrists reveals that 80% people having troubled relationships or disturbed sleeps at night are caused due to keeping gadgets in the bedroom. Bedroom is a place to sleep, unwind, relax and for a couple to spend time together.
In many urban homes, everyone has their personal gadgets like smartphones, laptops, ipads,etc. Many uses them before sleeping or keep it on their side while, which makes one distracted from their personal lives and other activities in the bedroom and affects relationship. It is like living your life on the gadgets, and losing out on nice moments to spend with your partner.
Speaking to 5 couples on the topic “keeping gadgets in the bedroom is good or bad”, women generally compalin on having bad sex life. They say, for men the television is the sole purpose and their attention is on the news or matches. Moreover, the health is being affected on large scale. On the other hand, speaking to the 5 men, they admit that sex life is really affected and more than that the spice of marriage has died out.
One of the participants share, “We had got television in the bedroom to add some new element in our lives and unwind ourselves. But this decision has roped in various stress factors.”
Keeping up with the personal and gadet life, it is imporatnt to manage the time and keep a safe line of work and personal or else , it is quite hazardous to use the gadgets in the bedroom with less of sex, sleep and growth in the relation or at work even. Be wise, think and decorate the bedroom in your style to unwind and be with yourself.