Being fit has become a fad and for good! People are trying to eat right, exercise regularly and try their best to live a disciplined life. But they often wonder if they are eating right, how much should they eat, what should they eat, or what are the right exercises for them. If you are one of these, we are here to help. We spoke to a fitness and diet expert and here is what she has to tell you.
Anita Mirchandani, M.S, R.D, C.D.N, received a B.A. from NYU and a M.S. in Clinical Nutrition also from NYU. After finishing her studies and completing a dietetic internship at New York-Presbyterian hospital in 2011, Anita is now a practicing Registered Dietitian. Anita also maintains current fitness certifications in indoor cycling, kickboxing, group exercise, and personal training. In 2011, Anita co-founded FitMapped, a comprehensive fitness directory, and recently she launched Sweat Sync, a social platform for fitness seekers. Follow her @FitNutAnita or @FiTMAPPED for interesting updates on fitness and nutrition content.
Q. Tell us something about your organisation.
A. I currently run and manage the startup FitMapped, a trip advisor for fitness concept, based in New York City. I am also a registered dietitian and certified fitness professional.
Q. Being a fitness expert, do you see many women coming to you for help? What is the most common concern & what kind of advises do you give them?
A. I think the most common concern that I have come across is how to build a workout regimen that is sustainable and which will help a woman in being fit without gaining weight. Many women are concerned about the “numbers” rather than how they look and feel in clothes that they wear. I try to work with them on both fitness and nutrition because both matter when it comes to being healthy and maintaining it long-term.
Q. Can you tell us what is the stable diet for all working women.
A. Each person is different, but I believe eating smaller and frequent meals throughout the day is good, like breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. Each meal can range from 350-500 calories and the snacks in between can range between 100 and 200 calories. If you exercise, that’s even better because you will burn a certain amount of calories which contribute to your daily net intake.
Q. What is the most common fitness myth that you have heard.
A. That lifting weights makes you gain weight. Strength training is encouraged to build muscles. Muscles do weigh more than fat, but they also help in increasing metabolism.
Q. Can you give us some tips on how women can loose weight after pregnancy.
A. I think most women should focus on managing their stress level post pregnancy. Lot of changes take place in their bodies and it is kind of a transition period. However, the smaller frequent meals should certainly help, in addition to a higher concentration of vegetables and salads.
Q. These days many women are opting for fat burners tabs & supplements. Would you recommend those.
A. No. I am against any “quick weight loss” concepts and cleanses.
Q. What advice would you like to give to those women who want to take up fitness training as a career? What made you choose this profession?
A. I think if you are passionate about the field and want to make a difference, it’s worth considering. For me, I was always mapping out fitness routines and trying to plan meals. Because I spent so much time doing it for myself, I realised that I could do a great job for others if I get proper education and training. That’s what led me to pursue this career path.
Q. What do you think is the biggest mistake most people make when setting up a workout routine?
A. I think people need to be more practical with their time management. Believe it or not, you can get an amazing workout in just 30-35 minutes. People try to plan these 45-60 min cardio routines, but actually an interval training workout for 30 minutes has proven to be more effective.
Follow Anita @FitNutAnita or @FiTMAPPED for interesting updates on fitness and nutrition content.