
Feeling A Little More Than Just ‘Winter Blues’? You Might Be Experiencing Seasonal Depression

Off late, I have been experiencing my usual excitement around new year and holidays fading away. The shorter days and shift in weather has been making me feel blue. I feel difficulty in getting out of the bed in the morning and get this craving for sugary and white food. Is it not as if this thing is happening to me for the first time. It happens every year and once the days get longer and the sun gets brighter, my mood starts to lift up again and I get back to my usual self.

If it sounds like you in the winters and you feel a little more than just ‘winter blues’, you might be experiencing what is called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in medical terms. As the name suggests, it is a kind of a seasonal depression.

According to Mayo Clinic,  there’s far less sunlight in winters which affects our sleep, circadian rhythm, and even serotonin levels, causing us to feel energized and alert sometimes and drowsy at other times. SAD begins and ends at about the same times every year.

If you believe you are going through SAD, here is what you can do-

Take help of a counselor

If your thoughts and feelings have become overwhelming, I suggest you talk to a counselor. There is a lot of good that can come from talking to a professional. He can help you in figuring out what habit and thoughts are leading up to you feeling depressed. If you think your seasonal depression is turning into full-time depression, he can also put you in touch with someone who could provide you with medication.

Get some sunlight

It is very important to get out of bed to get some fresh air and soak up the sun rays that give you the much needed vitamin D. Also when you are inside your home, have a brighter light instead of a dim one. It would help you to lift up your mood and not feel gloomy.

Engage in physical activities

In winters, most people avoid hitting the gym or getting on the treadmill. But this lack of exercise can be a factor in making your days dull. Getting your body moving would boost your energy levels and you would feel more lively.


Stay warm

Keeping yourself warm can make all the difference. Wrap up in blankets, keep a warm mug in your hands and make sure you are as comfortable as you can be.

What do you think?

Written by TEAM WSL

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