Now that the lockdown has been bestowed upon us, staying away from loved ones is more stressful than ever. The second wave has brought with it a host of anxiety and uncertainty. In these troubled times, Confetting Gifts shares gift box options that can let your loved ones know that you care and that it will all be alright soon.
Confetti Gifts is a company that offer gift boxes to share your sentiments in items that have more value and emotional leverage than any other gift. They have made gift boxes that will help you show care and togetherness from a distance.
Stress Buster Box:
It is a box that will ease the busy workdays and bring a cheer to the face of your loved one. It has 25 Chamomile green tea bags that will help relax nerves and also induce comfortable sleep. Chamomile is known for its soothing properties and in helping with anxiety and stress. This wonderful box also has a Stress-Proof book that gives you ideas on how to destress and stay motivated in tough times. Your loved one can always use a stress ball from this gift box to manage stress in a subtle yet constructive way. Use the bubble wrap to enjoy a stress-relieving activity that will make hard days a bit fun. The Jasmine bath salts are also a healthy way to relax. Bath salts are known to wash away the negative effects of the day and help relax.
Choco Maniac:
Because who does not enjoy a gift box of chocolates? Write your dreams, manifestations or affirmations in a chocolate shaped notebook. Devour Ferrero Rocher chocolates and then enjoy a pack of Choco Chip Cookies. Host a movie night for one or watch the IPL thrillers with Gourmet Chocolate Popcorn by 4700 BC. Busy workdays can be spent sipping Caramel Flavoured Coffee by Country Bean. Breakfast will be sorted for your loved one with a Nutella Jar for toast and other delicious recipes.
Netflix and Chill:
It is no secret that all days filled with anxiety can be cured with some Netflix and chill. You can chill with your loved one online and watch shows, series, movies and documentaries together. This box has Netflix and chills socks for a cosy time. A pack of best quality popcorn kernels with Cheese, Peri-peri and Italian popcorn seasoning for an entire lockdowns worth.