Selfie-obsessed youngsters are opting for cosmetic procedures to get the perfect click. WSL tells you how safe it is.
Selfie is the new buzz word! And this has nothing to do with Oscar host Ellen DeGeneres’ monster Hollywood selfie that took Twitter by storm. The trend to click your own picture and post it on Facebook or Twitter or Whatsapp has been gaining currency for a few years now.
For some, it is quite an obsession; be it a new dress, new pair of ear rings, a new piercing or a new eye makeup – all of it has to go to the social network in a perfectly clicked selfie.
To be honest, there would be hardly a person among us who hasn’t clicked a selfie. But, some seek perfection even in a self click, so much so that they do not mind going for cosmetic procedures to get their faces in perfect shape.
Meet 22 year-old Ritu Nanda, who is a selfie lover, who loves posting her pictures all over her social network. Eating at a new Chinese restaurant, wearing a new nose ring or visiting a tourist hotspot, she loves indulging herself and sharing her sojourns with her friends through pictures. The only thing she did not like about it was the way her lips looked in the pictures – thin and unattractive. The advertising professional saved money and met a cosmetologist. A session with Juvederm fillers and she got almost a new pair of more volupcious lips, complete with a pout.
“My first selfie post the procedure got such rave comments that I m so happy I got this procedure done. Not only have I got a new look on the social network, my friends and colleagues are also complementing me for looking ‘different’. And I am not letting out my secret,” says Nanda, with a wink.
Be it measuring your social influence or making your presence felt in your friends circle, the importance of social media today cannot be discounted. How many people retweet your tweet, how many comments on your Facebook status and how many people like your picture on Facebook? These have become questions of pertinence. No wonder today a large number of people do a range of things just for the social network.