Amitabh Bachchan keeps sharing throwback pictures but the recent on shared by him stands our particularly. A monochrome picture of Amitabh with Salman, Aamir and late Sridevi, was shared by the actor. The veteran actor mentioned that it was a concert at the famous UK’s Wembley Stadium that he has taken the younger generation of actors to. It was Sridevi, Salman and Aamir’s first concert and coincidentally an Indian performed there for the very first time.
Amitabh wrote, ““MY concert at Wembley Stadium .. first ever by Indian .. I took Sridevi , Aamir and SALMAN for their first concert .. 70,000 people .. historic !! This is the Wembley Stadium before it was rebuilt and altered .. you see the altered now often on Premier League Football..”
Check out his Instagram Post-
Other throwback pictures shared by Amitabh-
On the professional front, he is busy with three projects, namely- Brahmastra, Badla and Jhund.