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8 Simple Tips to Keep Your Pets Warm This Winter

Your pet may not be able to express how they feel but as their parent and caregiver, you should take all the necessary steps to make sure they are fine.

With winters around this must be in every pet owner’s mind that how they can make the changing weather comfortable and safe for their pets to keep pets warm. Winters can be extremely uncomfortable for pets who are not used to the cold weather and it is during this time that pet owners must pay more attention to their needs and try to keep them as warm as possible. Your pet may not be able to express how they feel but as their parent and caregiver, you should take all the necessary steps to make sure they are fine.

Pet Winter Care

These eight tips will guide you on how to keep your pets warm this winter:

1. Cover Them with a Sweater or Jacket

Winter wear is easily available for your pets in the market and is a must for your pet during the winter season. While many people think that their pet’s fur is all they need to be protected from the harsh winter season, this is a myth. Even hairy pets are prone to risk during the winter season and to avoid any ailments make sure you put on a light sweater or jacket on them before taking them out for a walk or their regular physical activity.

2. Take Shorter Walks

When winter hits it’s important that you re-schedule your regular walks with your dog and make them shorter than usual. An extreme change in weather can make your dog feel uncomfortable if they are out for too long. Take them for shorter walks so that they don’t miss their regular physical activity and if possible make them exercise indoors. You can do so by playing fetch with them or just letting them run in your backyard or up and down the stairs.

3. Give Proper Attention to Grooming

During the winter months, it is also extremely important that you pay good attention to the needs of your dog on the basis of how their grooming should be done considering the change in weather. Avoid trimming or shaving their hair as it is a source of warmth for dogs during winters. Make sure that you comb their coat regularly and consistently to make the coat their best insulator. Remember, a nicely groomed pet is also a handsome one!

Pets Warm

4. Make Their Space Comfortable for the Night

Temperatures rise as night hits so it is advisable to keep your pet indoors and build a comfortable little space for them in any one corner they like or usually prefer for hanging out. This stands both for grown-up dogs and especially for puppies. Being outdoors in harsh weather can make them catch a cold or lead to other ailments. Provide them with proper bedding and a thick blanket to keep them warm throughout the night.

5. Short and Warm Showers

Just because its winters do not completely take showering out of your pet’s routine and also don’t give them regular showers like you used to. The trick is to create a fine balance. Give your pet short and warm baths but don’t make it usual. If you usually give them a bath thrice a week, make it twice during the winter months. Make sure that you dry your pet properly after their shower and do not let them outdoors until they are completely dried off.

6. Rule for Cars Stands for All Seasons

This is the most important and the obvious one that you should never leave your dog alone in a car for too long be it any season. During the winter months, cars can cool down making your pet feel extremely uncomfortable. While it may not directly harm them or do anything extreme to them, it can still make your pet feel unbearable. It’s best to completely avoid this or if you are having an emergency where you have to leave your pet inside the car, make sure you open the windows for them and have someone stay with them so that they won’t get scared.

7. Make Your House Safe for Them

During winters there are certain heating elements we use that could be harmful to your pets. Make sure you keep your heaters or warmers at a safe distance from them to avoid your pet burning themselves or they may accidentally cause a fire by tipping on any one of them. It is always smart that you keep these things at a safer distance from them.

8. Outdoors

While indoors are the best for your pets during winter months, it is not much of an option for some people. If you have to leave your pet outdoors for some time make sure you have a cosy shelter to keep them in. Make sure the shelter is well insulated and dry so that your pet is comfortable and does not catch a cold.

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Written by Urvashi

With a degree in media science, I spend most of my time writing, trying to explore the content world with a wish to make it big someday!

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