Men are very emotional and it takes time for them to entrust upon someone new and show their real feelings at once, till they are sure. In case of Indian men, their actions speak louder than those three pretty little words. Here are 7 ways to know if he is into you.
The Looks
Men like to stare women silently noticing their moves and every tiny detail of how their hair flies in air, to how women flutter eyelids when they get scared or how they are tired by carrying the heavy bag and legs hurt while wearing high heels. They might not help you in carry the heavy load or give support of hand when you’re unable to walk, but they surely would suggest to off-load extra baggage. This is a way for men to show they care.
The J Factor
When ogling celebrities or sharing some moments of ex-flames with current man you like or are in relationship with, he is slightly uncomfortable or jealous. If some friend tries to take advantage or be extra friendly he would be protective about you. That’s because he wants to save you for himself and take your responsibility.
Unexpected Text or Call
The duration of learning and understanding each other is mysterious, and surprising. An unexpected call or text from his work or gym or class or family wedding is a sure a pleasant surprise. This action shows that he thinks of you quite often at work or when with family or when he is with friends.
Talks About Himself
If the man likes you or is interested in you or he is sure about his future with you, he would share his future plans or discuss his life with you to test maybe if you are comfortable or how much you two are compatible. He would share his most confidential feelings, desires, and aspirations.
You know when the guy is totally into you, when he displays affection. He would create situations to meet you accidently or dialled your number accidently. Furthermore, he would find excuses to hold you or have any physical contact like touching your arm with his index finger or while taking glass from your hands, so on and so forth.
Invites You to His Circle
In case it has been quite some time that you are dating him, and he introduces you to his parents, friends and is ready to meet your parents; then it is time that soon he is soon going to ask you to marry him or he is very sure that you are the one for him.
More Foreplay
In bed, you know when the guy is totally into you. Sex tells how compatible or comfortable both are in the relation. Moreover, the way guy makes you comfortable and respects your desires it is to understand his emotions. The guy would spend time in more foreplay than just going ahead and doing the business. If a guy straight hits the goal, its time for you girl to kick him out of your life!
Taking cues from here girls, calm your heart and give out his most awaiting love story!