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7 Ways to Be Happy Instantly!

Let’s try some instantaneous ways to be happy.

Happy Girl
Young women smiling as she gazes out.

Stressful work life in today’s day and age can take a huge toll on your happiness, thereby reducing your optimum productivity. But yes, there lies the problem. How does one manage to keep themselves happy amidst the chaos and confusion, stress and overwork? Let’s try some instantaneous ways to be happy. What you should do to make yourself happy instantly:

1. Listen to Your Favorite Song

This is one sure shot way to feel happy. Music never disappoints and especially if it is an old comforting tune that you love to sing along to. If you have very little time and want to feel better, just plug in your favourite music; it works like magic. What’s more, you can even do this at the workplace without getting caught. All it needs is an innocuous-looking pair of earphones!

2. Talk to an Old Friend

Another effective way of chasing away the blues is to call a friend up who you haven’t spoken to in a while. The initial rush you feel listening to that person will surely keep you smiling for the rest of the call. Even if it is just a light conversation about nothing in particular, the memories of the good times spent with that friend will come back to you, making you immensely happy.

3. Type Out a Funny Message to Someone

I tell you this out of the experience, humour always helps. Browse the net for a joke and send it to your colleagues or just talk about something funny that happened to you yesterday with a coworker, and before you know it, you will be laughing. Happiness is always better when shared.

4. Go For a Walk

Sometimes, all that is needed to make you happy is to go for a little walk in the neighbourhood. We spend so much time at work or in our rooms that we forget the serene happiness that we could get by stepping out for some fresh air. So walkout at a time of the day you like, early morning or late evening and simply appreciate the world around you.

5. Smile at Everyone You Meet

Like I said earlier, happiness is best shared. It is also infectious. So even if you are feeling a bit low, and when you smile at someone else their responsive smile will make you feel better. They say a smile has a language of its own; use it on people around you at work or in your neighbourhood and see the wonders it works!

6. Play With a Child

This is the one that tops my personal list. I love children and usually take time out when I see a kid playing to go join them. A child’s smile is always genuine and has a great effect on everyone. So if you don’t believe me, go teach a kid a new game or simply join them in theirs and see how carefree and happy it makes you feel.

7. One Act of Random Kindness

I believe that there is nothing better or enriching than making someone else’s day. A surprise gift, a mail, a letter or just helping someone do a chore. More than making you happy, it goes a long way in bringing satisfaction and contentment, which is much more long-lasting.

Whatever it is, know that when you are sad, it is better to try making yourself happy than not doing anything about it all. After all, looking after your happiness is as important as looking after your health. It has a huge impact on each of our lives. So don’t worry, be happy!

What do you think?

Written by Smita Diwan

Smita Diwan is a Media & Communication evangelist with 15+ years of steady growth. She has served across diverse verticals of Broadcast Journalism, Corporate Communications, Digital Media and Public Relations. A fitness enthusiast, Smita devotes her ‘rare’ free-time to yoga and meditation. As she strongly believes that the right balance is the key to steady growth.

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