Today, Amitabh Bachchan completed 50 years in Bollywood. The Shahenshah of Bollywood, Amitabh Bachchan kept us entertained all these decades with hundreds of movies he did over the last 5 decades of his career and still counting.
On the occasion, Abhishek Bachchan wished his father in a heartfelt way. In a sweet gesture, he uploaded a picture of himself wearing a T-shirt with Amitabh’s picture on it and it said “ICON”. It was accompanied by a heartfelt post for the veteran actor.
His post reads,
“ICON! To me, he’s so much more. My father, best friend, guide, best critic, greatest support, idol….. HERO! 50 years today he started his journey in films. Even today, his passion and love for his craft and work is the same as I’m sure it was on the first day. Dearest Pa, today we celebrate you, your talent, your passion, your brilliance and your immense influence. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for the next 50 years. The coolest thing he taught me today….As I went, in the morning to wish him for completing 50 years of being an actor and to tell him that I was leaving for work- I asked him where he was all ready to go to? He said….. To work! #50yrsofBigB #amitabhbachchan #BigB”