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20 Weight Loss Remedies To Try At Home

If you want to lose weight with home remedies, this is your go-to bookmark article.

Weight Loss
Photo by Total Shape on Unsplash

Who doesn’t want to be fit and slim? If you also want to lose weight with home remedies, this is your go-to bookmark article. With these reminders, you can easily lose weight in a jiffy.

Weight Loss Remedies To Try At Home:


Walnuts contain antioxidants, vitamins, folate, omega 3 fatty acid, manganese, copper, and protein.

10 grams walnuts = burn 65.4 calories


Spinach is a helpful vegetable that contains Vitamin K, Vitamin A, folate, iron, calcium, Vitamin C, fiber, calcium, protein, and zinc.

100 grams spinach = burn 23 calories

3.Green tea:

Green tea is a weight loss drink that helps to boost metabolism and increase fat burning.

1cup green tea = burn 75 – 100 calories

4.Bitter gourd:

Bitter gourds contain many nutrients including vitamins, phosphorus, zinc, folate, magnesium, manganese, and potassium. It helps to absorb sugar.

100 grams of bitter gourd = burn 34 calories


Almonds contain fibre and nutrients and it is a good stimulant. So it helps in weight loss.

10 grams almonds = burn 57 calories


Water can help you with weight loss. If you want to lose weight drink 8 glass of water daily.

0.5 liter water = burn 23 calories.


You can drink sugar-free coffee for weight loss. It increases metabolism and helps to burn fat.

400mg coffee = burn 10-12 calories

8.Olive oil:

Replace other oils with olive oil which has antioxidant polyphenol. This helps to lose fat.

100 grams olive oil = burn 884 calories


An egg is a high-protein food. And also help in burn calories by boosting metabolism. Egg white and yolk both are important.

1 egg= burn 60 – 80 calories


Tomatoes contain vitamin C. It helps to maintain blood sugar. Help to decrease cholesterol.

100 grams tomatoes = burn 18 calories


Bananas have rich antioxidants and high fiber. That is why it helps in weight loss and becomes a good workout snack.

100 grams banana = burn 89 calories

12.Black pepper:

You can use black pepper for weight loss. Put one tablespoon, in your salad, drink food, etc.

1 tbsp black pepper = burn 20- 30 calories

13.Curry leaf:

Curry leaves help in digestion and reduces cholesterol. You can make curry leaves tea or consume 8 to 10 leaves in the morning.

10 leaves = 80 calories


Cabbage contains high fibre which helps in weight loss.

100 grams cabbage = burn 25 calories


Apple contains high fiber, which improves digestion. This is a reason for increased metabolism and burns fat.

100 grams apple = burn 52 calories

16.Black bean:

It is good for our cardiovascular system and also helps in leveling our blood sugar.

100 grams black beans = burn 339 calories


Garlic can help you in weight loss besides this to fit your body. You can take 1 or 2 pieces of garlic on an empty stomach.

100 grams of garlic = burn 149 calories


Alovera is very beneficial for your health. It helps you with digestion.


Consuming half a tablespoon of cinnamon a day can help you in weight loss.

100 grams cinnamon = burn 247 calories


Turmeric helps to maintain blood sugar levels, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

100 grams turmeric = burn 354 calories

So follow this and get ready to dazzle in that little black dress.

What do you think?

Written by Pallavi Bose

Extremely passionate about everything she does. Loves to make a small world of her own in this big world. Makeup, fashion, and styling scores the highest on her list. Pallavi is completely starstruck, especially Bollywood.

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