
Victim For How Long ? Suzette Jordan Speaks Up!

Known as the Park Street Rape Victim, Suzette Jordan, took to Facebook to post a status about what was to be a regular evening for her, turn into a terrible experience. She headed over to a restaurant called ‘Ginger’, where the management denied her entry because she has been a victim of a rape. Yes, a victim.suzette george

Aghast, but not defeated, she went to the local media and has even filed an FIR.fir

Support has poured in from all over the country for the brave woman. People have shared her status multiple times over on Facebook and there is even an event called ‘Boycott Ginger Restaurant.’boycott 2

And the restaurant page hasn’t been spared either. The page has been bombarded with multiple low rating reviewfb reviews

Major support came in from Twitter too, as #IStandWithSuzetteJordan and #BoycottGingerRestaurant were seen on timelines often.twitter-3 twitter-2 twitter-1

As has the restaurant’s Zomato page, which has been flooded with negative reviews in support of Suzette.ginger-zmato

The restaurant has claimed that they denied her entry not because she is a rape victim but because the last she was at the restaurant, she and her friend didn’t clear their dues and created a ruckus. Suzette Jordan, however says that this was her first visit to the restaurant.

What do you think?

Written by Vigya Atri

I've always enjoyed writing but the professional route to it happened by chance and I'm loving it! I literally have a billion dreams, one of which is to own an amusement park someday! I love to eat and often dream about pizza in my free time.

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