Samantha Jones from Sex And The City is easily one of the most popular characters television has ever seen. She’s confident, successful and not afraid to speak her mind.
When the TV show was aired, Samantha Jones was more of a shock factor. But as time passed, women all over the world started relating to her and loving her even more.
We take a look at 10 reasons why we totally LOVE Samantha Jones!
1. The lady knows better than to judge her friends. No matter what!
2. She’s super wise.
3. She did not bow down to the pressures of society and while that is something we talk about doing often, it’s most definitely easier said than done!
4. Nor did she care what people thought of her. Confident AF!
5. She wasn’t exactly modest, but we absolutely love her confidence!
6. She was always real with her friends and her words of wisdom make so much sense!
7. She was always there to cheer her friends and their success. Girlfriend’s got your back!
8. While men were obviously on her mind, she had her priorities straight!
9. She said things that most people would be afraid to say.
10. She was fabulous!