With Netflix launched in India, Indian audiences have become crazy about the popular media channel. They are busy watching this new channel and are enjoying the new series like anything. And after watching Orange is the new black and House of cards, this is the time for some Indian drama.
Based on the Novel by Vikram Chandra, Sacred Games in the latest addition to Indian Netflix. And boy this series is coming up some of the most amazing reviews. This is a 40 minute long eight episodes and all of them are meant to hold the craziness and attention of Indian audience like anything.
If still, you are not sure then here we present you with some of the most amazing reasons to watch Sacred Games –
1. An air of Confidence
As soon as you start watching scared games, you get an air of confidence around it. All the characters in this series are extremely confident and have a sense of commitment on their roles.
2. Survive the First one
I am sure what you all might have faced when you are watching Game of Thrones for the very first time. The first episode was the hardest to understand but as they say, if you survive the first one, then you can easily watch other episodes as well. And the same goes for Sacred games also.
3. Multidimensional Plots
Sacred Games has many underlying plots inside it. You will come across many stories and characters inside the main plot. Many characters like cops, politicians, Bollywood, mobsters and many more are part of this plot. And together all of them contribute to make Sacred Games such an interesting story.
4. Deep Connections
This is what makes the storyline incredible. You will watch characters of Sacred games as they are but after a while, you will realize that all of them have a deep meaning. All of them are closely linked to each other and together they form a part of the story.
5. World Class Acting
With Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Saif Ali Khan in the main role, this is a must watch series. Also, Radhika Apte as a Raw Analyst has played the character perfectly. And thus their near to perfect acting makes the series more than watchable.
6. Anurag Kashyap
Anurag Kashyap can solely be listed out as a reason to watch Sacred Games. His direction, portrayal of characters and lot more adds glamour and class to the series.
7. Uncensored Content
This is strange for Indian audience because we are habituated to watch extra clean content. But here you get nudity, sex, smoking, drinking, foul language and a lot more. This is a true masterpiece by Anurag Kahsyap to Netflix viewers.
8. Re-Watch Content
This is the most important. Here you can watch the content again and again. And every time you will come across something which you might have missed the first time.
9. Music
Music of Sacred Games is top notch and has a retro and interesting feel to it. This adds spice to the story of Sacred Games. The theme and title track of the series is quite catching and interesting.
10. Direction and Location
With two fab directors, Anurag Kashyap and Vikramaditya Motwane Sacred games have truly become one of the most watched shows of present times. This is set in Mumbai and has a look and feel of underworld and goons of Mumbai.